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Three million euros for nature conservation-friendly pond management

Trees growing on an island in Großteich See (photo taken with a drone). / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa
Trees growing on an island in Großteich See (photo taken with a drone). / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

The Free State of Saxony will continue to support nature conservation-friendly pond farming in Saxony in 2024 with three million euros from EU and state funds. The money will go to 84 farms and a pond area of 7859 hectares as well as nature conservation associations - mainly in ponds with fish production, as the Ministry of the Environment in Dresden announced on Sunday. The aim is to continue producing fish in a sustainable and natural way. The state subsidy is also intended to compensate for additional expenses and reduced yields when fulfilling specific nature conservation services.

The management of the ponds also preserves valuable habitats for endangered birds, insects, plants and amphibians, said Minister Wolfram Günther (Greens). In view of the months of drought in recent summers, it is a great achievement to successfully combine extensive management and nature conservation. The funding should help to preserve the biodiversity in the ponds and at the same time enable economic operation.

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