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Fridays For Future calls for a climate strike in Dresden

The climate movement Fridays For Future is also calling for a climate strike in Dresden on Friday / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
The climate movement Fridays For Future is also calling for a climate strike in Dresden on Friday / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Climate activists from Fridays for Future are already talking about the flood century. In fact, the floods of the century are becoming more frequent in Europe. This is becoming more than clear again these days.

The climate movement Fridays For Future (FFF) in Dresden is calling for a climate strike in light of the devastating floods in parts of Europe. On Friday, a large banner on the Augustus Bridge in Dresden will draw attention to the threat. The word "Jahrhundertflut" (flood of the century) has been crossed out in red paint, with "Fluten-Jahrhundert" (flood century) written underneath, according to the organization. A demonstration march through the city center is also planned. Under the motto #NowForFuture, the movement is calling for a rapid phase-out of coal, oil and gas and an end to all fossil fuel investments.

"Fortunately, we in Saxony got off lightly this time. In our neighboring countries, the floods are devastating and destroy livelihoods, livelihoods, sometimes even lives," explained FFF spokeswoman Zahra Pischnamazzadeh. These climate catastrophes could have been avoided and are the result of decades of ignoring the warnings of science. The announcement by Saxony's Interior Minister Armin Schuster (CDU) to expand flood protection was welcomed. But it should not stop there. Above all, we must prevent such disasters from occurring even more frequently and severely in the future.

"We need consistent climate protection and must quickly phase out coal, oil and gas. We are taking to the streets on Friday to ensure that political consequences are drawn from these weeks of catastrophes. When it comes to the upcoming exploratory and coalition talks, one thing is clear: if you want to govern, you need answers to the climate crisis - and these must be socially just," added FFF campaigner Simon Hoba.

Fridays for Future is calling for protests around the world this Friday. In Germany alone, there will be climate strikes in more than 100 cities, including Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne and smaller towns such as Freiberg and Wiesloch in Baden-Württemberg, according to reports.

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