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Friedrich Merz in Dresden: CDU leader talks about unity, migration and Germany as a business location

Friedrich Merz (CDU), Ostra Dome Dresden (Photo: Thomas Wolf)
Friedrich Merz (CDU), Ostra Dome Dresden (Photo: Thomas Wolf)

Friedrich Merz spoke in Dresden about migration, the economy and political stability. Between protests, historical retrospection and clear demands for the coalition with the traffic light system, he focused on key election campaign topics.

It is warm in the Ostra Dome in Dresden, the air is thick, the atmosphere is tense. The visitors are waiting for Friedrich Merz, who will give one of his key election campaign speeches here. But there is a special tension in the air today. The CDU chairman is not only coming to Dresden as a leading politician, but also as a controversial figure. After yesterday's vote in the Bundestag, in which a CDU motion was passed for the first time with the votes of the AfD, many people are unsettled.

Even Angela Merkel, the former Chancellor and long-time party leader, has spoken out today and clearly distanced herself from Merz's approach. She considers his course to be "wrong". It is remarkable that a former chancellor is intervening so clearly in the current political discourse - and against the leader of her own party of all people.

Blockades and protests make the start of the event difficult

The event was due to begin at 5 p.m., but even getting there proved to be a challenge for many guests. Left-wing counter-demonstrators blocked roads and obstructed the journey. Cabs, streetcars and buses could not get through. Many visitors had to walk from Mitte station to the Ostra-Dome. Nevertheless, the mood among the participants was good. 

Praise for Dresden and the CDU members of parliament in Saxony

Merz began his speech with praise for the city of Dresden. He was impressed by the city's development and emphasized that the people can be proud of their home. At the same time, he paid tribute to the Saxon CDU MPs Lars Rohwer and Markus Reichel, who had only won their constituencies in 2021 with extremely narrow majorities. Merz made it clear that every percentage would also count in the upcoming Bundestag elections.

The importance of German reunification and the lessons of history

Merz spoke at length about German reunification and recalled the significance of the peaceful revolution. He paid tribute to the courage of the citizens of the GDR who stood up to the SED regime. He drew a parallel with Willy Brandt's Ostpolitik in the 1970s. While the CDU at the time fiercely opposed this policy, Merz conceded in retrospect that it had essentially been correct - albeit with the important addition that the Federal Republic of Germany had always adhered to the unity of the country. Without this commitment, Merz said, reunification in 1989/90 would have been difficult.

Criticism of current protests and calls for moderation

With regard to the current protests against the government, Merz called for a clear distinction to be made between legitimate demonstrations and violent actions. He criticized blockades of streetcars, attacks on CDU offices and actions against the Adenauerhaus in Berlin. He appealed to the SPD and the Greens to use their communication channels to call for de-escalation. At the same time, he emphasized that freedom of demonstration was a valuable asset, but should not lead to the rights of others being restricted.

Clear distinction from the AfD and criticism of the traffic light coalition

Merz made it clear that he was not looking for political majorities outside the democratic center. He explicitly included the CDU/CSU, SPD, Greens and FDP in the center - but not the AfD. He admitted that the CDU had contributed to the rise of the AfD through its own mistakes. At the same time, he blamed the coalition government for the further rise of the party. If the federal government had pursued better policies, Merz said, the AfD would not be so strong today. His aim was to position the CDU in such a way that the AfD no longer had a political future in Germany.

Inflow restriction law: CDU calls for tougher rules in migration policy

Migration policy was a central topic of the speech. Merz presented a CDU legislative proposal aimed at limiting immigration to Germany. The key points of the "Immigration Limitation Act" are:

  1. The reintroduction of the term "limitation of immigration" in the Residence Act.
  2. A stop to family reunification for refugees with temporary residence status.
  3. Expanded powers for the federal police to enforce deportations more efficiently.

Merz pointed out that 16 state premiers - including from the SPD - had already spoken out in favor of a tougher course. He called on the Social Democrats to support the CDU initiative. He also warned that society had reached its breaking point. Schools, hospitals and the housing market were under considerable pressure.

Comparison with Denmark: a role model for Germany?

Merz cited Denmark's migration policy as a possible role model. There, a social democratic government had made a U-turn and thus pushed back the influence of right-wing populist parties. Merz called on the German SPD to pursue a similar course in order not to lose any more voters to the AfD.

Germany as an industrial location: against subsidies, for a reduction in bureaucracy

Another focus of the speech was Germany's economic future. Merz made a clear commitment to Germany as an industrial location and warned against deindustrialization. He criticized the current economic policy of the "traffic light" government, in particular the high taxes and heavy bureaucracy. He called for a radical reduction in regulation at European level.

As an example, he cited a report by Mario Draghi, which shows that the EU has passed over 13,500 new laws since 2019 - compared to just 3,500 in the USA in the same period. This flood of regulation is stifling the competitiveness of European companies. Merz called for a reversal and a stronger focus on economic growth.

AI and digitalization: Germany must use its data

Merz spoke out in favour of making greater use of AI and digital technologies. He reported on a conversation with the Microsoft CEO, who confirmed that Germany has immense untapped data potential. Instead of just talking about data protection, Germany must finally discuss data usage and data security.

As an example, Merz cited the health card: those who are willing to store their data digitally can benefit from cheaper health insurance premiums. This would be a step towards more efficient medical care and cost savings.

Work ethic: criticism of part-time work and high sickness rate

Another point of his speech was the work ethic in Germany. Merz criticized the high part-time rate in some sectors and the increased sickness rate. He emphasized that prosperity cannot be maintained by working less. At the same time, he praised those who are already doing above-average work, for example in the care sector or in the skilled trades.

He spoke out against a general 4-day week and called for a social debate on the value of work. Work should not be seen as a mere interruption to leisure time, but as a meaningful part of life.

Call for a government capable of taking action

At the end of his speech, Merz called for a strong government that agrees on clear goals and implements them with unity. He criticized the internal disputes in the traffic light coalition and emphasized that the world was watching closely how Germany was dealing with its challenges.

His goal for the upcoming Bundestag elections was for the CDU to become so strong that potential coalition partners would have to follow its lead - and not the other way around. He promised that a CDU-led government would get Germany back on track economically and overcome the division in society.

Conclusion: A combative Merz focuses on confrontation

Friedrich Merz's speech in Dresden was a combative appearance, characterized by a clear political agenda. He addressed key topics that will determine the election campaign: Migration, the economy, labor and political stability.

At the same time, it was an evening full of political tension. The protests outside showed that polarization in Germany continues to increase. The CDU is positioning itself as a party of order and economic power - but whether this course will meet with broad approval will only become clear in the coming months.