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64-year-old female motorcycle passenger seriously injured in accident

The central emergency room of a hospital. / Photo: Julian Stratenschulte/dpa/Symbolbild
The central emergency room of a hospital. / Photo: Julian Stratenschulte/dpa/Symbolbild

A 64-year-old female passenger on a motorcycle was seriously injured when a car in front suddenly braked on the B 169 highway near Neuensalz in the Vogtland district.

A 64-year-old female motorcycle passenger has been seriously injured because a car driving ahead suddenly slowed down on the Bundesstraße 169 near Neuensalz in the Vogtlandkreis. As the police announced on Sunday, the car had to suddenly reduce speed on Saturday afternoon because of the overtaking maneuver of an oncoming car. As a result, the motorcyclist behind it was also forced to brake - he came off the road and fell.

The passenger on the motorcycle suffered serious injuries in the accident, she was taken to a hospital. Both drivers left the scene of the accident unidentified. The police are now looking for witnesses. The motorcycle suffered damage of about 5000 euros.

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