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Altenburg station to be renovated in September: line closure

Agilis and Deutsche Bahn trains stand on tracks on the Franconia-Saxony main line through Thuringia. / Photo: Daniel Vogl/dpa
Agilis and Deutsche Bahn trains stand on tracks on the Franconia-Saxony main line through Thuringia. / Photo: Daniel Vogl/dpa

The Saxony-Franconia Main Line stretches for around 288 kilometers and connects more than just Saxony and Bavaria. It is currently a major construction site.

The extensive construction work on the Saxony-Franconia Main Line through Thuringia is progressing according to Deutsche Bahn - but there will be restrictions for travelers. After three years of renovation work, Altenburg station in eastern Thuringia will be completed in September, Deutsche Bahn announced on Thursday in Gösnitz (Altenburger Land), Thuringia. This will improve conditions for people with limited mobility and travelers with heavy luggage, bicycles or baby carriages. However, line closures are necessary first.

In order to connect new tracks, points and signals to the electronic interlocking technology, train traffic on the Neukieritzsch-Altenburg/Schmölln- Gößnitz/Meerane-Crimmitschau lines will have to be suspended from July 7 to September 2. Closures are planned in sections. Replacement bus services and modified timetables

Several construction sites between Leipzig and Crimmitschau are being worked on at the same time, explained Jens Hettwer, Head of Technology at DB InfraGO. Certain work in the track area and in the electronic signal boxes is only possible when no trains are running. This is why construction work between Regis-Breitingen, Altenburg, Gößnitz and Crimmitschau is being bundled.

There will be train cancellations, replacement bus services and journey time changes on the S 5 Halle (Saale)-Leipzig-Altenburg-Zwickau, RE 1 Göttingen-Glauchau and RE 3 Erfurt-Altenburg/Greiz lines between Neukieritzsch, Altenburg/Schmölln, Gößnitz/Meerane and Zwickau between July and early September. The changed timetables are available in the railroad information systems.

Renovation of 52 stations along the Magistrale

According to Deutsche Bahn, the Saxony-Franconia Magistrale runs for around 288 kilometers. With the Dresden-Hof and Leipzig-Werdau sections, it connects Saxony, Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt with Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. An extensive refurbishment programme is underway.

A total of around 850 kilometers of track on lines and stations will be rebuilt, 900 kilometers of overhead lines will be renewed and 52 stations and stops will be modernized. In addition, 32 electronic interlockings would be installed and 233 railroad bridges would be renovated or replaced. Following the expansion of the Magistrale, trains could travel at speeds of 160 instead of the previous 120.

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