For the new construction of the partially collapsed Carola Bridge, the Dresden Historical Neumarkt Society is calling for a competition with an open call for all solutions. The people of Dresden should vote on the submitted proposals in a ballot, as the association proposes in a press release. With costs of more than 100 million euros, this approach is justified.
The Neumarkt Society was founded in 1999 and campaigned for a reconstruction of the Frauenkirche and the adjacent Neumarkt that was as historically faithful as possible. Their commitment was awarded the Federal Prize for Urban Development and Building Culture, among others.
Thousands call for reconstruction based on the historical model
With reference to several petitions with a total of more than 25,000 signatures, which advocate the reconstruction of the Carola Bridge based on the historical model from the late 19th century, they are calling for the adoption of "solutions that do not impair the cityscape of the old town" in the tender documents. The city must rely on bridge technologies that have proven themselves and have lasted for centuries.
A section of Dresden's Carola Bridge collapsed unexpectedly on the night of September 11. No people were injured. The main cause is thought to be stress corrosion cracking caused by moisture. The bridge, which was completed in 1971, must now be completely demolished. This also affects the two remaining bridges, which have only been renovated in recent years at a cost of several million euros. The city is planning to replace the important artery between the old and new town.
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