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Deutsche Bahn prepares for six-day strike by train drivers

The Deutsche Bahn (DB) logo / Photo: Hauke-Christian Dittrich/dpa/Symbolic image
The Deutsche Bahn (DB) logo / Photo: Hauke-Christian Dittrich/dpa/Symbolic image

Deutsche Bahn is preparing for the announced six-day strike by train drivers and has drawn up an emergency timetable. Train services will be severely disrupted.

Die Deutsche Bahn is preparing for the announced six-day strike by train drivers with an emergency timetable. Preparations are in full swing, said a Deutsche Bahn spokeswoman in Leipzig on Monday. The trains that will be running on local and long-distance services in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia from Wednesday are currently being entered into the timetables. Passengers should check the internet or the app to find out which connections are possible.

The strike will once again severely disrupt train services, according to Deutsche Bahn. As with the previous strikes, it is expected that around one fifth of long-distance trains will be running nationwide, the spokeswoman said. Extra-long trains will be used to transport as many passengers as possible. In addition, goodwill arrangements will again apply to tickets already purchased. Train reservations will be canceled. In local transport, attempts will be made to organize additional replacement trips with buses.

The train drivers' union GDL has called for a six-day strike. The strike in passenger transport is to begin early Wednesday morning at 2.00 am and last until 6.00 pm on Monday next week, the union announced on Monday night.

The railroad and the GDL have been negotiating new collective agreements since the beginning of November. The sticking point in the collective bargaining round is the weekly working hours for shift workers. The GDL is calling for this to be reduced from 38 to 35 hours with full pay compensation. It was only on Friday that Deutsche Bahn presented a new collective bargaining offer to bring the GDL back to the negotiating table. Among other things, it also includes an option for one hour less working hours for train drivers and train attendants from January 1, 2026.

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