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GDL warning strike: Rail travelers in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia must expect considerable restrictions

"Train canceled" can be read several times on a display at Hanover Central Station in the early morning. / Photo: Moritz Frankenberg/dpa
"Train canceled" can be read several times on a display at Hanover Central Station in the early morning. / Photo: Moritz Frankenberg/dpa

Rail travelers in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia must expect considerable restrictions due to the upcoming GDL warning strike.

Train travelers in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia must be prepared for considerable restrictions due to the upcoming warning strike by the train drivers' union GDL. During the strike from 2.00 a.m. on Wednesday morning until 6.00 p.m. on Friday evening, there will be "massive disruptions to DB's S-Bahn, regional and long-distance services", a Deutsche Bahn spokeswoman announced on Monday.

In long-distance services, there will be an emergency timetable with greatly reduced services. Deutsche Bahn will be using longer trains with more seats. Passengers are asked to refrain from non-essential rail travel or to postpone their journey during the strike. There will be a greatly reduced service on regional services. The extent to which this is possible varies from region to region, and there will also be severe restrictions here, according to the statement.

The company also announced goodwill rules: All passengers who wish to postpone their journey planned for between Wednesday and Friday due to the strike will be able to use their ticket at a later date. This means that train reservations are no longer valid. Seat reservations can be canceled free of charge. Passengers on long-distance services also have the option of bringing their journey forward.

The train drivers' union GDL plans to strike on passenger services from 2.00 am on Wednesday until 6.00 pm on Friday - in a week in which road traffic is expected to be severely disrupted due to the farmers' protests. Experience has shown that some trains do not run according to plan even before the strike. In addition, it usually takes some time afterwards for traffic to return to normal.

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