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Interlocking fault affects regional traffic near Dresden

A Deutsche Bahn train stands on a track at Dresden main station / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
A Deutsche Bahn train stands on a track at Dresden main station / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

A signal box malfunction due to a lightning strike in the Dresden area affects regional services, especially the Länderbahn in the direction of Bautzen and Görlitz.

Regional rail services in the Dresden area were affected on Sunday evening due to a signal box malfunction following a lightning strike. A railroad spokeswoman said on Sunday evening that the regional line from Dresden to Bautzen and Görlitz was particularly affected. According to the statement, lightning struck the signal box in Radeberg to the east of the state capital at 5.10 pm. It was initially unclear when the fault would be rectified. The repair work continued in the evening.

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