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Länderbahn not affected by GDL strike

Tracks are laid in the ballast bed at a railroad station / Photo: Hauke-Christian Dittrich/dpa/Symbolic image
Tracks are laid in the ballast bed at a railroad station / Photo: Hauke-Christian Dittrich/dpa/Symbolic image

The Länderbahn with the Vogtlandbahn and Trilex in Saxony is not directly affected by the announced GDL warning strike.

The announced warning strike by the train drivers' union GDL will not directly affect Länderbahn with Vogtlandbahn and Trilex in Saxony. The reason for this is the wage agreement already reached on December 12, 2023, as the Netinera Group announced on Monday. Employees of the two railroads are therefore expressly excluded from the GDL's call to strike.

In the event of a strike, individual signal boxes belonging to DB Netz AG that are on strike could still cause disruptions to rail services, it said. Nevertheless, the Länderbahn will provide its transport services as far as possible. However, travelers were asked to check their desired travel connections shortly before departure and to plan more travel time if necessary.

The train drivers' union GDL plans to strike in passenger transport from Wednesday, 2:00 am until Friday, 6:00 pm. Deutsche Bahn passengers must therefore be prepared for considerable restrictions.

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