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Moped rider seriously injured in accident in Wechselburg

In a left-hand bend, the moped rider veered off the road to the right for reasons that have not yet been clarified. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
In a left-hand bend, the moped rider veered off the road to the right for reasons that have not yet been clarified. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

A moped rider has a serious accident in Wechselburg. The police suspect that alcohol was involved.

A moped rider has left the road in Wechselburg (Mittelsachsen district) and suffered serious injuries. According to the police, the 17-year-old lost control of his vehicle on a left-hand bend for an as yet unexplained reason and crashed into a ditch. Emergency services took him to hospital. During the accident investigation, the officers noticed an odor of alcohol. Due to the serious injuries, however, it was not possible to carry out a breath alcohol test, which is why a blood sample was ordered. The damage to property is estimated by the police at around 500 euros.

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