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Nationwide train drivers' strike: Deutsche Bahn expects massive restrictions on regional services

A Deutsche Bahn DB locomotive stands in a central station and is reflected in a carriage with the DB logo. / Photo: Julian Stratenschulte/dpa
A Deutsche Bahn DB locomotive stands in a central station and is reflected in a carriage with the DB logo. / Photo: Julian Stratenschulte/dpa

From Wednesday, Deutsche Bahn expects massive restrictions on regional services in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia due to the nationwide train drivers' strike. Passengers are asked to check the current timetable before starting their journey. Further information on ticket refunds is also available.

Due to the nationwide train drivers' strike, Deutsche Bahn expects massive restrictions on regional services in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia from Wednesday. "Only a few selected connections will be running," said a spokeswoman on Wednesday morning. Passengers should always check the current timetable before their journey.

According to Deutsche Bahn, those who wish to forgo their journey during the GDL strike from January 24 to 29 can use their tickets at a later date. Train reservations have been canceled and seat reservations can be canceled free of charge.

This is the fourth and, at six days, the longest industrial action in the wage dispute, which has been ongoing since November. In addition to financial demands, the dispute mainly revolves around the issue of reducing weekly working hours for shift workers.

The GDL wants to reduce these from 38 to 35 hours while maintaining the same salary. So far, Deutsche Bahn has offered an optional model that provides for a one-hour reduction without financial losses. Those who opt out will receive a 2.7 percent increase instead. Union leader Claus Weselsky sees the offer as no basis for further negotiations.

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