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Saxony: Strong increase in new apprenticeship contracts in the skilled trades sector

The hairdressing profession is still particularly popular with young women / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
The hairdressing profession is still particularly popular with young women / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

There has been a significant increase in new training contracts in Saxony's skilled trades sector. However, most apprenticeships are still vacant.

Saxony's skilled trades sector is reporting a 9.1 percent increase in new apprenticeship contracts at the start of the 2024/2025 training year. By the end of July, a total of 4,260 such contracts had been concluded, 355 more than in 2023, said Frank Wetzel from the Saxon Crafts Association. This means that the training rate remains stable at a high level. "Dual vocational training in the skilled trades continues to be attractive for young people."

More than a fifth (21.6 percent) of new trainee contracts were concluded with young women. They mainly opted for professions such as hairdresser, optician, dental technician or specialist saleswoman in the food trade. But the painting and varnishing, carpentry and automotive mechatronics trades are also gaining female recruits, said Wetzel.

All in all, demand for apprenticeships in professions such as specialist food salesperson, butcher, baker, confectioner and vehicle painter was higher than last year. However, as has been the case for years, the majority of new contracts were for automotive mechatronics technicians, electronics technicians and sanitary, heating and air conditioning mechanics.

The skilled trades are relying on last-minute applicants, "preferably high school graduates and university dropouts", to fill as many of the more than 6,000 training places still available in around 80 professions as possible. According to Wetzel, there are hundreds of unfilled positions in the automotive, metalworking, carpentry, bricklaying, refrigeration technology and plumbing, heating and air conditioning trades.

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