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European elections: Oliver Schenk leads the list of the Saxon CDU

Oliver Schenk (CDU), Head of the State Chancellery in Saxony, speaks / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa
Oliver Schenk (CDU), Head of the State Chancellery in Saxony, speaks / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

Head of the State Chancellery Oliver Schenk leads the list of Saxony's CDU for the European elections on June 9. The 55-year-old received 87.9 percent of the vote at a CDU state representatives' meeting on Saturday. In his speech to almost 200 delegates, Schenk emphasized the importance of this year's European elections. The EU has guaranteed peace, freedom and prosperity for decades, he said. Today, he said, there are forces in Germany that want to give up these achievements and divide society. However, these achievements should never be called into question. That is why the European elections should not be irrelevant.

"The question is whether Europe will remain a competitive continent with a vibrant and convincing democracy for our children and grandchildren," said Schenk. We need a Europe that stands together and joins forces. Europe must not become a pawn in global politics. Saxony must ensure good understanding between Eastern and Western Europe in the middle of Europe.

In addition to Schenk, Agata Reichel-Tomczak, Andreas Nowak, Lutz Kowalzick and Helmut Goltz were elected to the list.

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