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Green politician attacked: Accelerated procedure?

Yvonne Mosler, the Greens' top candidate for the city council in constituency 11 (Gorbitz/Cossebaude), stands in an office at her party's regional office. The politician was threatened and spat at while putting up election posters in the Dresden district of Gorbitz / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa
Yvonne Mosler, the Greens' top candidate for the city council in constituency 11 (Gorbitz/Cossebaude), stands in an office at her party's regional office. The politician was threatened and spat at while putting up election posters in the Dresden district of Gorbitz / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

A Green Party politician is harassed, insulted and spat at while putting up election posters. The suspects were caught the same evening and the case is now to be brought to court quickly.

After the attack on Dresden Green Party politician Yvonne Mosler, the public prosecutor's office has requested accelerated proceedings against the two accused. The 34-year-old accused is charged with damage to property and joint coercion, the 24-year-old accused with joint coercion and insult, the public prosecutor's office announced on Tuesday.

Mosler was attacked on the evening of 7 May in the presence of two press teams while putting up election posters on Amalie-Dietrich-Platz in Dresden. The public prosecutor's office accuses the 34-year-old defendant of first tearing down an election poster that had just been put up. Mosler photographed the man, who left and returned shortly afterwards with the 24-year-old woman. According to the public prosecutor's office, they are said to have aggressively approached the politician and asked her to delete the photo. The 24-year-old is also said to have insulted Mosler and spat in her face. Both are said to have then circled the politician, a party colleague and the accompanying camera team, repeatedly and loudly asking the politician to delete the photo.

According to the public prosecutor's office, the accused have partially confessed. Both had previous convictions, and the 24-year-old had also been on probation.

Expedited proceedings are possible in cases with simple facts or clear evidence that are suitable for immediate trial before the criminal judge or the lay assessor's court. Some formalities can be dispensed with, for example the charges can be brought orally. The aim is to hold the main criminal trial as soon as possible after the crime.

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