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Green Youth criticizes mother party at federal congress

Timon Dzienus, national spokesman for the Green Youth, speaks at the Green Party's national convention / Photo: Kay Nietfeld/dpa
Timon Dzienus, national spokesman for the Green Youth, speaks at the Green Party's national convention / Photo: Kay Nietfeld/dpa

At the national congress of the Green Youth in Leipzig, the work of the parent party was strongly criticized. New leader elected.

At the federal congress of the Green Youth in Leipzig this weekend, members of the up-and-coming organization massively criticized the work of the parent party. "I'm glad we haven't become a Robert Annalena Ampel fan club," said Timon Dzienus, who was bidden farewell as federal spokesman during the event. Sarah Lee Heinrich - who was bid farewell as the second federal spokesperson - also expressed strong criticism: "My solidarity with the traffic lights is at an end." That applies also to the own party, which must place itself in the Federal Government finally their responsibility, so Heinrich.

In the course of the federal congress the participants decided also on their new point. With 86.5 per cent the 25-j?hrigen medicine student Svenja Appuhn as well as the 25-j?hrigen Meteorologin Katharina Stolla with 93 per cent were selected. In their speeches the spokeswomen demanded among other things more redistribution by a millionaire tax and climatic protection in the turbo mode. Both were already before their candidacy member in the executive committee of the Green Youth.

The federal congress is the highest organ of the Green Youth. Under the motto "Solidarity Boundless!" the young organization called for "more international solidarity again" at its 57th congress. Debates during the meeting focused on topics such as redistribution, migration, the strengthening of the AfD and social justice.

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