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Saxon Left at party conference - federal chairwoman as guest

The current leadership duo of the Saxon Left Party should continue until after the Bundestag elections, according to members. (Archive photo) / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa
The current leadership duo of the Saxon Left Party should continue until after the Bundestag elections, according to members. (Archive photo) / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

The Left Party could tip the scales in the state parliament in future - for example if the BSW blocks the potential minority government of the CDU and SPD. But first they have to gather themselves.

The Saxon Left Party also wants to discuss its options as the smallest opposition party in the state parliament at a party conference in Neukieritzsch near Leipzig on Saturday. They only received 4.5 percent of the vote in the state elections on September 1 and only entered parliament because they won two direct mandates in Leipzig. In the new parliament, they are represented by six MPs.

However, the smallest parliamentary group could have a big task ahead of it. This is because the planned minority government of CDU and SPD is ten votes short of a majority, which is why Black-Red is dependent on support from other parliamentary groups. In an urgent motion, the party conference will therefore also deal with demands in the event of approval for government projects. The new federal chairwoman Ines Schwerdtner is to address the 200 delegates in the morning.

The originally planned election of the new party leadership consisting of Susanne Schaper and Stefan Hartmann will be postponed as things stand and will only take place after the early federal elections. A motion has been submitted to the party conference to remove the election from the agenda. Schaper and Hartmann had announced their withdrawal in order to concentrate on their work at the head of the parliamentary group in the state parliament. The Left Party in Saxony currently has around 6,600 members.

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