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Saxony SPD sees poor poll numbers as "warning shot"

The confirmed state chairman Henning Homann speaks at a state party conference of the SPD Saxony. / Photo: Heiko Rebsch/dpa
The confirmed state chairman Henning Homann speaks at a state party conference of the SPD Saxony. / Photo: Heiko Rebsch/dpa

Saxony's SPD sees poor poll results for itself and others as a "warning shot" a year before state elections. For the first time, one is in a situation where the coalition of CDU, Greens and SPD would no longer have a majority - even if only just, party leader Henning Homann said in Dresden on Thursday. "Of course we are concerned about that". One takes note that the situation is difficult, but looks ahead. In the survey conducted by the Insa polling institute, the AfD had received the highest approval ratings at the beginning of September with 35 percent, while the CDU landed in second place with 29 percent. Behind them were the Left (9 percent), SPD (7), Greens (6) and FDP (5).

Homann attacked the AfD in particular. "What the AfD is planning in this country is basically the biggest political fraud of all time." He said the AfD was trying to distract from the really important issues with gender debates, for example. Among other things, it is planning a reform of income tax that would only benefit the wealthy. In addition, it wants to abolish the trade tax and thus destroy the financial basis of the municipalities. The AfD is covering the country with ever new campaigns and is obviously having success with them. Therefore one must direct the debate on the really important topics and not on Nebenkriegsschaupl?

According to Homann the SPD executive committee wants to discuss this weekend on a closed meeting in Dresden over the lining up elections - apart from the state parliament elections there are 2024 also European as well as local elections. Co-chair Kathrin Michel, who sits in the Bundestag for the SPD, called on the federal CDU to move away from its "campaign policy" and return to the issue level. For example, she said, the SPD was in favor of extending the reduced value-added tax for restaurants by three years. In the countryside, pubs are often the only remaining meeting place. The tax legislation must be improved altogether and simplified.

Till the state election on September 1, 2024, the Saxon SPD still wants to bring a procurement law and an integration law on the way as well as to reorganize the local public transport. The party leadership is still holding back on the top candidate for the state elections. It is to be announced in the fourth quarter of this year at the latest. Social Affairs Minister Petra Köpping (SPD) is considered to have the best chances. Homann spoke out Thursday against a double or even triple constellation in the top candidacy.

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