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Slight increase in per capita working hours in Saxony in 2023

The Statistical Office of the Free State of Saxony / Photo: Daniel Schäfer/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa
The Statistical Office of the Free State of Saxony / Photo: Daniel Schäfer/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

The workload of the working population in Saxony has increased. However, it is still well below the pre-corona level.

The number of working hours per capita in Saxony increased by more than half a day last year. According to the State Statistical Office on Thursday, the average workload of an employed person in the previous year was 1364 hours - ten hours more than in 2022. However, the figure for 2023 is significantly lower than before the pandemic (1413 hours in 2019). According to the data, the current increase is due to growth in secondary employment and part-time employment as well as a reduction in lost working hours compared to the previous year.

According to the state office, the sector with the longest per capita working hours in Saxony in 2023 was the construction industry with 1562 hours and an increase of around 20 hours compared to the previous year. In total, the 2.08 million people in employment in Saxony last year worked more than 2.8 billion hours. This represents a one percent increase in the total volume of work in the economy compared to 2022.

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