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News zu #Emergencies

A duck crosses a road with its chicks / Photo: Andreas Rosar/dpa/Archivbild

Police officers rescue ducklings from the A72

Two police officers have reunited a family of ducks after rescuing them from the Autobahn 72 near Chemnitz. Initially, two chicks were picked up from the roadway on Thursday, the police announced on Friday. As there was no trace of the rest of the family, the officers set off in search of them - the ..

The logo of the Bündnis90/Die Grünen parliamentary group in the German Bundestag / Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa/Symbolic image

Investigation after disruption at Green Party event

After a suspected disruptive action at a Green Party event on Ash Wednesday in Weiden, the criminal investigation department is investigating. Together with the public prosecutor's office, it is being investigated whether the offense of coercion or an offense in connection with the assembly law is p ..

Garbage cans lying on Eisenbahnstraße in the east of the city / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa

Leipzig's city cleaning service collects less New Year's Eve waste

The Leipzig city cleaning service collected slightly less garbage on the streets on New Year's Day than a year ago. "Our colleagues have so far removed just under 74 cubic meters of New Year's Eve waste in the city area," said a press spokeswoman in Leipzig on Wednesday. However, the figure could ri ..

Cars, trucks and delivery vehicles are stuck in a traffic jam / Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa/Symbolbild

Power failure in Dresden highway tunnels: traffic jams on A17

A power failure in the Coschütz and Dölzschen highway tunnels caused long traffic jams on the A17 on Tuesday morning. As a result of the outage, access barriers closed automatically, according to police. Motorists who were in the tunnel chain could safely drive out of the tunnels.According to police ..