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Dresden fire department rescues young cat from emergency situation

A young cat plays in an apartment / Photo: Julian Stratenschulte/dpa
A young cat plays in an apartment / Photo: Julian Stratenschulte/dpa

The Dresden fire department rescued a young cat from an emergency situation on Saturday. The animal was lying soaked and shivering in a gutter.

The Dresden fire department rescued a young cat from an emergency situation in the Leubnitz-Neuostra district on Saturday. The approximately one-year-old animal was completely soaked, distraught and trembling in a gutter and was unable to free itself, the fire department announced on Sunday. Using the window of an attic apartment, the emergency services managed to move the animal towards the window with a broomstick and then bring it to safety with a courageous neck grab, they said. The animal was apparently unharmed. As things stand, the animal owner must now bear the costs of the operation. Eight firefighters were deployed.

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