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أخبار ل #Sweden

The start of the Wasalauf 2015 / Photo: Ulf Palm / Tt/dpa/Archivbild

Difficult conditions at the 100th Wasalauf in Sweden

In difficult weather conditions, the athletes set off on the 90-kilometer route at the 100th Wasalauf in Sweden. With 16,000 participants, the prestigious fun run is the largest cross-country skiing event in the world and is also considered the toughest ski race in the world. Torleif Syrstad and Emi ..

Leipzig's players cheer after the final whistle. / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

Report: RB Leipzig's Forsberg about to move to the USA

According to a media report, Bundesliga club RB Leipzig may have to prepare for the departure of another key player. As the German newspaper "Bild" reported on its online portal on Monday, Swedish international Emil Forsberg is set to move to sister club New York Red Bulls in the winter. The 31-year ..