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Low proportion of female doctors in management positions in Saxony

Only a few female doctors in management positions in Saxony's hospitals (symbolic image) / Photo: Harald Tittel/dpa
Only a few female doctors in management positions in Saxony's hospitals (symbolic image) / Photo: Harald Tittel/dpa

Overall, slightly more female doctors work in clinics and practices than male doctors. However, there is still a major imbalance elsewhere.

In Saxony, the senior medical profession is still male-dominated. Currently, only six percent of hospital managers are women, as announced by the State Medical Association in Dresden ahead of International Women's Day on March 8. According to the report, 119 female doctors hold a management position in hospitals in the Free State and 602 male doctors.

The proportion of women in the medical profession as a whole is currently 54.7 percent - 11,034 female doctors compared to 9,146 male colleagues. While the ratio is roughly balanced in clinics, there are more female doctors than male doctors in medical practices.

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