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Saxony doubles funding for exchange program with Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Sebastian Gemkow (CDU), Science Minister of Saxony, speaks at the event for the signing of a grant agreement for universities in Saxony for the coming years until 2032 in the beehive in the State Chancellery. / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa/Archivbild
Sebastian Gemkow (CDU), Science Minister of Saxony, speaks at the event for the signing of a grant agreement for universities in Saxony for the coming years until 2032 in the beehive in the State Chancellery. / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa/Archivbild

Saxony has doubled its funding for the exchange program with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in order to strengthen bilateral relations and intensify cooperation.

The Free State of Saxony has doubled its funding for an exchange program with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel. A total of 30,000 euros is now available for the program instead of 15,000 euros, the Saxon Ministry of Culture announced in Dresden on Wednesday. Among other things, this is intended to strengthen bilateral relations with Israel. In addition, the program is to be opened up in terms of content and participants, so that in future interested parties from all fields of study and universities of applied sciences (HAW) can apply to participate.

"The Israeli universities have been reliable partners for many years, both in research and in teaching," said Saxony's Minister of Culture Sebastian Gemkow. According to the CDU politician, both sides can benefit from the knowledge gained through the collaboration. The spectrum of projects ranges from humanities projects with a focus on German-Israeli relations and the Middle East conflict to technical projects.

The Chemnitz University of Technology has been coordinating an exchange program for Saxon students and academics with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem since 1999. Since then, around four to eight students have been sponsored each year, enabling them to spend up to three months studying in Israel.

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