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Alliance Germany wants to stop wind turbines with a petition

Bündnis Deutschland, led by party chairman Steffen Große, is strictly opposed to the construction of further wind turbines in Saxony. (Archive image) / Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa
Bündnis Deutschland, led by party chairman Steffen Große, is strictly opposed to the construction of further wind turbines in Saxony. (Archive image) / Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa

Small parties need a lot of support in election campaigns. Bündnis Deutschland is now once again mobilizing against wind turbines and is hoping for broad public support.

The small party Bündnis Deutschland wants to stop the construction of wind turbines with a petition to the Saxon state parliament. "Known minimum distances no longer play a role, landscape conservation areas are no longer taboo. I think this is a serious mistake," said Steffen Große, head of the association, to the German Press Agency in Dresden. More wind turbines are "nonsense in terms of energy policy". This would make a few people rich in windy and calm conditions at the expense of all taxpayers.

"Our existing wind turbines already produce too much electricity in windy conditions. We have to de facto give the surplus away to foreign countries and add tax money on top as a gift". In a calm, even 50 or 100 wind turbines would produce zero energy. "Why more wind turbines?" asked Große. In his petition, he calls for local authorities to be able to offer compensation in the form of land for photovoltaics or geothermal energy, for example, if this would spare them wind turbines.

Alliance Germany examines legal action against wind turbines

Große himself wants to make his joining the Dresden city council faction of former FDP politician Holger Zastrow (Team Zastrow) in August dependent on whether the faction takes action against new wind turbines in Dresden and beyond from the outset and with all means at its disposal. Team Zastrow's parliamentary group should also campaign for this from the outset. "Then it's also mine," emphasized Große. At the same time, he announced legal action against further wind turbines in Saxony. Complaints against the federal wind energy area requirement law and the premature implementation in Saxony through the state planning law are currently being examined.

Alliance Germany wants to tip the scales in the state elections in Saxony and Thuringia on 1 September. According to the party chairman, there are currently around 1000 members in 15 state associations across Germany. Saxony and Thuringia have 80 and 50 to 60 members respectively. Große described Bündnis Deutschland, which was founded at the end of 2022, as liberal and conservative. He did not rule out merging with the Werteunion at a later date. In view of the upcoming state elections, however, this is not yet an issue.

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