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Conservatives in the CDU criticize exploratory paper

The conservative Heimatunion in the Saxon CDU is critical of the exploratory paper with the SPD at federal level (archive photo). / Photo: Carsten Koall/dpa
The conservative Heimatunion in the Saxon CDU is critical of the exploratory paper with the SPD at federal level (archive photo). / Photo: Carsten Koall/dpa

Is the CDU/CSU being led through the nose ring by the SPD? At least that is the impression of the conservative home party in the CDU in Saxony when looking at the exploratory plans in the federal government.

The conservative Heimatunion in the Saxon CDU is struggling with the result of the exploratory talks in the federal government. In the federal election, a large majority of citizens voted for a change in policy promised by the Union parties, explained Sven Eppinger, head of the Heimatunion. "If a leading newspaper now summarizes 'The black-red exploratory paper reads like traffic light 2.0', we are obviously not living up to our claim."

Heimatunion calls for "pure CDU"

If the Greens were to push through their demands, there would be even less left of the CDU's already manageable content, according to Eppinger. "The CDU and CSU used to stand for reliable policies. Today, it is difficult to contradict the impression that what was said yesterday no longer necessarily applies today." Major reforms and a "pure CDU" are now needed to move forward again.

Conservatives want less state and more personal responsibility

The criticism of the Heimatunion is sparked not least by the planned change to the debt brake and the planned special fund of 500 billion euros for infrastructure. "Before an orgy of debt is unleashed at the expense of our children, government spending must be restructured and prioritized, and overdue reforms must be implemented. This can only mean: significant cuts in consumption, less government, more personal responsibility," it said.

"It is difficult not to get the impression that the CDU and CSU are being led through the ring by the nose by the SPD," concluded Eppinger.

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