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Flight cancellations in Leipzig/Halle and Dresden on Thursday

A passenger plane takes off from an airport / Photo: Julia Cebella/dpa/Symbolic image
A passenger plane takes off from an airport / Photo: Julia Cebella/dpa/Symbolic image

After the train drivers, the aviation security staff are laying down their work on Thursday. Travelers must be prepared for cancellations and delays.

Cancellations and delays are to be expected at Leipzig/Halle and Dresden airports on Thursday due to the announced warning strike by aviation security staff. "The airlines will be informed about the strike situation and will then decide what to do," Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG announced on Wednesday. According to the statement, passengers should contact the respective airlines for information.

At the moment, several flights have already been canceled. During the last warning strike at the beginning of the week, passenger traffic in Leipzig and Dresden was completely paralyzed. Something similar is to be expected again.

The Verdi union is calling on aviation security staff to strike on Thursday. All employees of Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG as well as employees in passenger control, passenger and goods control, cargo control and service areas will be affected. According to Verdi, slightly more people are expected to take part this time than in the last warning strike.

According to the union, around 30 aviation security staff are planning to strike in Erfurt. However, there will be no impact on air traffic, as no departures or landings are planned in Erfurt on Thursday.

In addition to Leipzig, Dresden and Erfurt, strikes are also planned at other German airports - for example in Berlin, Düsseldorf and Frankfurt. Among other things, the union is demanding higher wages for employees. So far, no agreement has been reached in three rounds of negotiations. Further talks are planned for the coming week.

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