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Goose prices stable this year - imports significantly cheaper

Despite stable prices for domestic geese, there are significant discounts on imports. (Archive image) / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa
Despite stable prices for domestic geese, there are significant discounts on imports. (Archive image) / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

Prices for fresh, local geese remain stable this year. Anyone who values regional products should order early.

Prices for traditional roast goose in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia are expected to remain at the same level as last year. According to the German Goose Farming Association (BBG), the retail price for a fresh, domestically produced goose is around 19 to 21 euros per kilogram. Frozen geese are said to cost 14 to 15 euros per kilogram.

Significant price reductions are to be expected for imported geese. "In some cases, prices are 50 percent lower than in the previous year," the association said. However, the reason for this is not cheaper production abroad, but above all cut-throat competition and high stock levels at producers.

According to the BBG, it is sufficient to pre-order a goose from retailers by the end of November. However, if you want a St. Martin's or Christmas goose from a small slaughterhouse with limited stock, you should place your order early.

Decline in domestic goose production

According to the data, around 20 percent of geese sold in Germany come from domestic production - with a downward trend. This is also due to the fact that demand is decreasing overall. Around 80 percent of the geese consumed in Germany are therefore imported from abroad.

According to the BBG, the main importing countries are Poland and Hungary, but also France. In France, many ducks and geese are kept for foie gras production. While the liver is marketed at a high price, the rest of the meat is sold on the German market as a cheap by-product. The production of foie gras is banned in Germany for animal welfare reasons.

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