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Hunters have no problems after the extensive rainfall

Raindrops can be seen on a leaf. / Photo: Roberto Pfeil/dpa/Symbolic image
Raindrops can be seen on a leaf. / Photo: Roberto Pfeil/dpa/Symbolic image

Flooded meadows, wet ground: wild boars are happy and so are the hunters. The rainy weather is not currently making hunting in Bavaria any more difficult.

The rainy weather of recent weeks has not had a major impact on the current hunting season in Saxony. "In some places, water is standing in the fields after all the rainfall and the ground is soaked. But there are no problems for hunting as a result," Martin Wißmann, Managing Director of the State Hunting Association, told the German Press Agency. The rainy winter varied greatly from region to region, but overall there are no complaints.

In any case, only wild boar can be hunted at the moment and the wet weather is even helping here, explained Wißmann. "Wild boar are particularly active at the moment and they can stir up the soft ground very easily." This makes it easier for hunters to track and find the animals.

"The hunters don't mind the rain if they are well dressed," emphasized Wißmann. After all the rain, it is particularly important to look after the blinds. "These are mostly made of wood and stand on wet ground. Care must be taken to ensure that no moisture is drawn into the wood."

According to the state hunting association, there are currently 14,244 hunting license holders in Saxony, including 1521 women. That is almost 400 more than in the previous year. In addition, people with a hunting license are getting younger and younger, Wißmann emphasized.

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