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Rising water levels on the Elbe

Passers-by stand on the Terrassenufer in Dresden on the Elbe / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa
Passers-by stand on the Terrassenufer in Dresden on the Elbe / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa

People living along the Elbe must be prepared for further rising water levels. According to the State Flood Center, alert level 3 should be reached in Schöna in Saxon Switzerland on Tuesday afternoon and is expected in Dresden on Wednesday morning.

People on the Elbe must prepare themselves for further rising water levels. According to the state flood center, alert level 3 should be reached in Schöna in Saxon Switzerland on Tuesday afternoon, and this is expected in Dresden on Wednesday morning. The reason for this is the melting snow and heavy rainfall in the Giant Mountains.

In contrast, falling water levels were reported from the Zwickau and Freiberg Mulde areas. Only the United Mulde in Bad Düben was on alert level 3 out of 4 on Tuesday - albeit with a downward trend. The flood peak is currently running through there, it was said. A strong rise is not expected for the next few days. However, the ground is saturated, meaning that smaller streams and rivers could quickly swell again in the event of heavier rain.

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