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AfD calls for cross-party peace initiative in the Saxon state parliament

AfD parliamentary group leader Jörg Urban promotes a cross-party peace initiative of the Saxon state parliament (archive photo). / Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa
AfD parliamentary group leader Jörg Urban promotes a cross-party peace initiative of the Saxon state parliament (archive photo). / Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa

The AfD believes that diplomacy is the order of the day in Russia's war against Ukraine. AfD parliamentary group leader Jörg Urban is seeking support from other parliamentary groups in the state parliament.

Under the motto "Peace instead of missiles", the AfD is calling for a cross-party peace initiative in the Saxon state parliament. This is expected to be voted on on November 19. "62 percent of Saxons are strictly against the stationing of American medium-range missiles in Germany," explained parliamentary group leader Jörg Urban. The Saxon representatives should make the clear vote of the citizens their own and call on the government to launch a peace initiative in the Bundesrat.

Both the NATO states and Russia must be urged to disarm verbally and militarily, emphasized Urban: "This is exactly what our motion contains. Diplomacy is the order of the day. Germany and Europe must finally pursue an independent peace policy and hold the new US President Donald Trump to account."

The motion calls on the Saxon government, among other things, to urge the federal government to refrain from stationing cruise missiles and ballistic missiles on federal territory. At the same time, the federal government should work to ensure that Russia withdraws such missiles from the Kaliningrad region and its tactical nuclear weapons stationed in Belarus.

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