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Investigation into forged ballot papers in Dresden

According to the police, ballot papers were manipulated during the state election in Dresden. / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
According to the police, ballot papers were manipulated during the state election in Dresden. / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

The state election in Saxony is overshadowed by attempts at fraud in Dresden. According to the police, at least 100 ballot papers have been manipulated.

Following the state election in Saxony, the police in Dresden have launched an investigation into manipulated ballot papers. According to the police, manipulated ballot papers were discovered during the counting of postal votes in at least two constituencies. As things stand at present, around 100 of them have been falsified. The State Security Department took over the investigation and reportedly seized two manipulated ballot papers. The "Sächsische Zeitung" had previously reported on this.

According to the police, unknown persons had taped over the crosses of several postal voters and marked the Free Saxons instead. Like the AfD, this small party is classified by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution as a right-wing extremist organization. The Free Saxons achieved 2.2 percent in the state election.

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