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Water in Zittau is clean again

Zittau: Possible germs contaminate the drinking water in Zittau, so residents have to boil it. (Archive image) / Photo: Daniel Schäfer/dpa
Zittau: Possible germs contaminate the drinking water in Zittau, so residents have to boil it. (Archive image) / Photo: Daniel Schäfer/dpa

Heavy rainfall impaired the water quality in Zittau. The administration exercised caution and imposed a boiling ban. Now the water is germ-free again.

The residents of several districts of Zittau no longer have to boil their water. The pipeline network was intensively flushed for seven days and the drinking water is once again in perfect condition and germ-free, the municipality announced. As a result, the boiling ban in place since July 12 has been completely lifted with immediate effect. The network will now be disinfected with chlorine for two weeks. However, this has no effect on the use of the water as drinking water. The background to this was heavy rain in the night from July 10 to 11. This caused surface water to enter one of the city's drinking water catchment areas.

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