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Saxony Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians launches initiative to recruit GPs

The Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians in Saxony is launching a campaign to recruit GPs. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Bernd Weißbrod/dpa
The Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians in Saxony is launching a campaign to recruit GPs. (Symbolic image) / Photo: Bernd Weißbrod/dpa

There is a shortage of GPs in Saxony, especially in rural areas. The Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians is now launching a campaign.

The Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians in Saxony wants to attract more GPs with a large-scale campaign. This is in response to the increasing problems in outpatient medical care, the association announced.

Older patients need more medical care and are less mobile, it said. As older doctors in private practice often cannot find successors for their practices, this leads to supply problems, especially in rural areas.

There are currently 384 GP vacancies in the state, said Sylvia Krug, deputy chair of the board of the Saxony Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians. "With this campaign, we want to highlight the advantages of setting up a practice and thus motivate people to take over or set up a practice."

Practice takeovers and start-ups can be financially supported by the KV. This makes it possible to start freelance work with reduced risk. In addition, having your own practice allows you to work independently.

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