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International Weeks against Racism start on March 17

Fighting racism: Weeks of events in Leipzig from March / Symbolic image: © pixabay.com (The symbolic photo shown serves to illustrate the topic without directly depicting the action).
Fighting racism: Weeks of events in Leipzig from March / Symbolic image: © pixabay.com (The symbolic photo shown serves to illustrate the topic without directly depicting the action).

The 22nd International Weeks against Racism in Leipzig offer over 30 events to take a stand against racism and discrimination.

This year, the International Weeks against Racism, which are being called for the 22nd time by the nationwide Foundation against Racism, are being held under the motto "Protecting human dignity". From 17 to 30 March, more than 30 committed associations and institutions in Leipzig will be demonstrating their commitment against racism and discrimination with almost 70 events.

Manuela Andrich, head of the Department for Migration and Integration, which is coordinating the weeks together with the Anti-Discrimination Office Saxony, states: "Leipzig thrives on genuine cooperation and the unbroken dialog between many people - especially in times of social challenges. I would like to thank the many active people who are committed to making the city a place of exchange and cohesion in the coming days."

In a workshop at the housing contact point, you can learn how to help refugees find accommodation and how to take a stand against discrimination on the housing market. You can also expand your knowledge of the anti-democratic activities of the "new right" on social media channels in order to recognize manipulation mechanisms in the future and learn helpful countermeasures. You can "join hands against racism" at the Grünau family center during an afternoon of exchange and a poster campaign with colorful handprints from young and old - as a visible unifying sign. As a person affected by racism, you will also find workshops and meeting formats in the diverse program of the action weeks that invite you to talk about your own experiences and find tools for dealing with them in a way that creates strength.

On a tour of democracy on 21 March, the UN Day against Racism, city councillor and city guide Marius Wittwer will show places in the city centre that are reminiscent of people and events associated with democracy, resistance and discrimination. Stories of courageous personalities and important events are told, but victims of violence are also remembered. This offers the opportunity to experience Leipzig's history from a new perspective.

The program includes many other readings, discussions, stage performances and film screenings for school classes. The program booklet is available at the New Town Hall, citizens' offices, libraries and many other locations. It can be found on the Internet at www.leipzig.de/antirassismus.

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