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Start of construction work for new bridge over Eisenbahnstraße

Leipzig is planning the construction of a new bridge over Eisenbahnstraße. This will be 17 meters long and five meters wide. Source: KHP Leipzig/City of Leipzig
Leipzig is planning the construction of a new bridge over Eisenbahnstraße. This will be 17 meters long and five meters wide. Source: KHP Leipzig/City of Leipzig

A new cycle and pedestrian bridge over Eisenbahnstraße is to connect Parkbogen Ost. Construction work begins with a twelve-month full closure.

The east of Leipzig will receive a new cycle and pedestrian bridge over Eisenbahnstraße in the coming months. This infrastructure measure is part of the city's project to promote environmentally friendly means of transportation and construction work will begin next Monday, March 10. A twelve-month full closure of the road between Annenstraße and Wurzner Straße has already been announced. This closure is set to last until the bridge is completed in March of next year.

The new bridge will provide an important link between the Parkbogen Ost (PABO) and the Sellerhausen Viaduct. The project is intended to make it easier for pedestrians and cyclists to cross the disused S-Bahn line and thus improve access to the green recreational areas in the east of Leipzig. The total costs for the construction amount to 2.54 million euros, of which 1.78 million euros will be provided by subsidies from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The remaining amount will be covered by Leipzig's city coffers.

During the construction period, car traffic will be diverted around the affected section to avoid unnecessary traffic congestion. A temporary tunnel will ensure that pedestrians can safely cross the road during the closure. A railroad bridge previously stood at this location for over a hundred years, but was demolished in 2020 due to structural damage.

Particular attention is being paid to the visual design of the new bridge. It will be kept in the style of the original industrial environment and built with steel segments that can be assembled without welding to shorten the construction time. Ecological aspects were also taken into account: To encourage the local bird population, nesting boxes will be integrated into the structural abutments.

The idea for Parkbogen Ost, which was largely initiated by local residents, aims to transform the disused S-Bahn lines in the east of Leipzig into a green ridge with footpaths and cycle paths. This project is intended to offer both residents and tourists attractive recreational and leisure opportunities.

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