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Try it with more mica

Does everyday life sometimes seem too gray and stressful? Then it's high time for more glimmer in your life! Because even tiny moments can put us back on the road to happiness.

Does everyday life sometimes seem too gray and stressful? Then it's high time for more glimmer in your life! Because even tiny moments can put us back on the road to happiness.

Just as glitter catches the eye with a slight sparkle, mica is said to make our soul shine. At least that's the theory put forward by US psychologist Dr. Deb Dana - referring to those brief moments that pass us by far too quickly in everyday life. A child's smile, rays of sunshine, a message from a good friend or a cuddle with the dog: these micro-moments can have a direct impact on our happiness, Dr. Dana continues. The prerequisite is that we develop a sense for perceiving them more consciously and preserving the positive feelings within us.

More mica - fewer triggers

The psychologist contrasts mica and triggers as antipodes. You are probably familiar with the phenomenon of triggers: a stimulus that can evoke negative emotions or even old traumas in us. Glimmer moments are exactly the opposite - small but incredibly valuable lucky charms. They can give us peace, lightness or a feeling of security.

Saving small moments of happiness

Simply put: the more mica we allow in our lives, the more we strengthen our mental health at the same time. Or as Dr. Dana puts it: over time, the glimmer becomes a glow. Unexpected things often happen - that's why we should always be open to the small but precious moments of happiness in our everyday lives.

Glimmer turns into a glow of happiness

Practical: We can start collecting special moments at any time to gradually fill up our glimmer account. And if we also win the Eurojackpot - then the lucky glow will certainly not stop...

Eurojackpot stands at 120 million euros

No player hit the winning category 1 in the Friday draw (January 12) of the Eurojackpot lottery. The 120 million euro jackpot is still up for grabs.* Nevertheless, five players alone can look forward to winning millions. Due to the jackpot overflow, 20 million euros will be awarded in the second tier in the upcoming draw on Tuesday (January 19).**

You can play Eurojackpot until Friday evening and every Tuesday evening (6:45 pm) in all Sachsenlotto retail outlets and at → sachsenlotto.de and the → Sachsenlotto app. The draw results and odds will be published on → sachsenlotto.de the same evening after the draw.

* Chance 1:140 million (prize category 1)

** Chance 1:7 million (prize category 2)

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