One year after the introduction of the repair bonus in Saxony, Environment Minister Wolfram Günther draws a positive balance. The subsidy for the repair of broken electrical appliances has been a complete success, the Green politician announced.
Since last November, around 21,000 repairs have been subsidized with around 2.2 million euros. Anyone wishing to have appliances repaired now has the prospect of receiving the bonus. According to the Sächsische Aufbaubank, more than 200,000 euros are still available.
Tons of electronic waste avoided
Repairing instead of throwing away is the idea behind the funding. According to Günther, up to 219 tons of electronic waste have been avoided so far - and with it around 1,900 tons of CO2 emissions. The promotion also creates added value for regional businesses and the skilled trades. Currently, 602 companies are participating in the program.
"It is the task of the future state government to continue the repair bonus," demanded Günther. The Greens will most likely not be part of the next state government in Saxony.
According to the ministry, cell phones and other telephones were repaired most frequently. This was followed by so-called white goods such as washing machines, dishwashers and ovens. In third place were smaller household appliances such as coffee machines, blenders and toasters.
Younger people have cell phones repaired
Younger people mostly have cell phones repaired. The older the applicants, the more frequently larger household appliances were given for repair.
In concrete terms, Saxony supports repair costs of between 75 euros and 400 euros. Fifty percent of the eligible funds are granted. The maximum amount is 200 euros. Up to two repairs can be funded per person per year. The work must be carried out by listed companies.
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