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Delays and cancellations on rail line between Berlin and Halle/Leipzig

A railroad construction crew repairs the track bed on a line / Photo: Roland Weihrauch/dpa
A railroad construction crew repairs the track bed on a line / Photo: Roland Weihrauch/dpa

From Wednesday, train passengers can expect delays and cancellations on the rail line between Berlin and Halle/Leipzig. The line will be closed on one track until October 5.

Train passengers must prepare for delays and cancellations on the railroad line between Berlin and Halle/Leipzig from Wednesday. Until October 5, the line will be closed on a single track, as the railroad announced. As a reason, a sleeper renewal between Jüterbog and Luckenwalde was called.

According to the railroad, long-distance trains are diverted in the direction of Berlin, which is why the travel time is extended by about 45 minutes. The stop in Lutherstadt Wittenberg is omitted. In the opposite direction, travel time extensions of up to 20 minutes are possible, the trains continue to stop in Wittenberg. Trains on EC Line 27 from Hamburg to Prague will travel the usual route in both directions, but may be up to 20 minutes longer.

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