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Contract between MFAG and DHL at Leipzig/Halle Airport extended ahead of schedule until 2053

Leipzig/Halle Airport is to play a central role in the DHL Group's global logistics network for decades to come. / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa
Leipzig/Halle Airport is to play a central role in the DHL Group's global logistics network for decades to come. / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG and Deutsche Post subsidiary DHL extend their contract at Leipzig/Halle Airport until 2053. The partnership secures Saxony a leading role in international trade.

Mittaldeutsche Flughafen AG (MFAG) and Deutsche Post subsidiary DHL have extended their contract for the freight center at Leipzig/Halle Airport ahead of schedule until 2053. "Today we have created a long-term perspective for further investment in Leipzig as a logistics location," said Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer (CDU) at the signing of the contract at the Leipzig hub.

The extended partnership between the airport and DHL ensures that Saxony will play a leading role in increasing international trade. "The DHL hub in Leipzig stands for the Saxon success story, which we in the Free State are proud of." In just 16 years, the airport has grown into one of the world's most important air freight centers.

Economic viability and job security

DHL CEO Tobias Meyer welcomed the extension of the framework agreement. He said it provided planning security, enabled further investment in the site and long-term job security. "Even though we are now paying significantly higher fees for the remaining term of the old contract, the result is economically viable," Meyer continued.

The airport operator and Deutsche Post subsidiary DHL had already been in talks for some time about an early contract extension, as the original contract would have officially been valid until 2038. According to media reports, DHL received attractive conditions for the original contract around 20 years ago. The new contract should now bring significantly better conditions for the airport operator.

Increase in fees and night flight component

With the new contract, DHL will pay around 20 percent more in future than was agreed in the old contract, explained Meyer. According to media reports, MFAG previously received around 61 million euros per year from the logistics company. According to Meyer, the new contract also includes an adjustment to the night flight component. None of the responsible parties wanted to comment on the exact details.

The Saxon left-wing parliamentary group criticized the state government's lack of transparency and called for a special meeting of the finance and economic committee on 7 August. The state government should disclose the agreements on take-off and landing fees, noise surcharges, environmental charges and other fees.

Mobility policy spokesperson for the left-wing parliamentary group, Marco Böhme, criticized: "This agreement will not get the state airport company out of the dark red: It has been making losses in the double-digit millions for many years." It is foreseeable that taxpayers will continue to have to pay so that DHL can make profits in Leipzig.

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