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Over 260,000 speeding offenders caught by police in 2023

The camera of a speed measuring device during a traffic check / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa
The camera of a speed measuring device during a traffic check / Photo: Sebastian Willnow/dpa

Saxony's police recorded tens of thousands of speeding violations on roads during their exclusively mobile checks last year. A total of 266,460 vehicles were found to be speeding, as the Ministry of the Interior in Dresden announced in response to an inquiry. There were also 5847 red light violations.

During the traditional "Blitz for Kids" road safety week in April, officers mainly check in front of schools and draw the attention of speeding offenders to misconduct. This year's peak value according to the ministry: 107 kilometers per hour in front of a daycare center in Naunhof near Leipzig. That was more than twice as fast as the speed limit of 50 kilometers per hour. The driver would have to pay a fine of 560 euros, receive two points and a two-month driving ban.

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