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Alert level 2 reached: Elbe water level rises in Schöna

A sign with the inscription "Elbe", taken on the Elbe bridge / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa/Archivbild
A sign with the inscription "Elbe", taken on the Elbe bridge / Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa/Archivbild

The water level of the Elbe has reached alarm level 2 in Schöna.

The water level of the Elbe has reached alert level 2 in Schöna (Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains district). Early Monday morning, it climbed above the five-meter mark, according to the latest overview from the State Flood Centre. According to this, the water level is currently just above the threshold mark at 501 cm. It is expected that the water level will continue to rise slightly until Wednesday and only then drop again.

According to the State Flood Center, alert level 2 may result in the beginning of flooding of agricultural land and green areas as well as slight traffic obstructions. In addition, the measures will be somewhat tightened once the alert level is reached.

The flood situation in Saxony had worsened again somewhat at the weekend. On Saturday, flood warnings were also in place on the Black and Lower White Elster rivers, according to the overview. There were no flood warnings in place there on Monday morning.

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