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Criticism of Minister President Kretschmer: Ex-Landrat Neubauer comments on resignation

District Administrator Dirk Neubauer (left) announced his resignation on Tuesday. Now he is criticizing Minister President Michael Kretschmer (right). (Archive photo) / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa
District Administrator Dirk Neubauer (left) announced his resignation on Tuesday. Now he is criticizing Minister President Michael Kretschmer (right). (Archive photo) / Photo: Hendrik Schmidt/dpa

Following his resignation as District Administrator of Central Saxony, Dirk Neubauer criticizes Minister President Michael Kretschmer. He criticizes a lack of open discussion and criticizes migration policy.

After his resignation as district administrator of Central Saxony, Dirk Neubauer (non-party) has criticized Minister President Michael Kretschmer (CDU). "We have subordinated our opinion-forming to the regulars' table", he said in an interview with the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung". Kretschmer talks to many people, he said. "But why can't he also tell them: we have different opinions here, we have to do different things than you think?"

Renewable electricity is the key issue for attracting companies and for the next generation, why they shouldn't leave the region. In Neubauer's district, however, a solar park project failed due to opposition from the CDU. "They are gatekeepers of stagnation," said Neubauer. It was about 1,000 hectares of solar energy. "Then the CDU comes to the district council and says it can't find anything good about it. Out of principle."

Neubauer also criticized the migration policy. Companies were lacking workers. "So I ask: where are they supposed to come from? From Brandenburg, for example? From Bavaria?" He suggests putting migrants who are already here to work. "Unfortunately, many people here cringe when someone just looks different," said Neubauer.

Neubauer announced his resignation on Tuesday due to threats "from the right-wing corner", among other things. He spoke of personal hostility and a lack of opportunities to assert himself. He was elected in 2022. His term of office would have run until 2029.

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