Corona reappraisal: Streeck sees gaps in research
In the virologist's view, there has been a lack of systematic scientific observation during the coronavirus pandemic. He identifies data gaps in the assessment of measures, for example.
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In the virologist's view, there has been a lack of systematic scientific observation during the coronavirus pandemic. He identifies data gaps in the assessment of measures, for example.
In Saxony, there are two bodies investigating the coronavirus pandemic - a parliamentary committee of inquiry and a commission of inquiry. A prominent witness is now testifying in the committee.
A committee of inquiry in the state parliament is to investigate the criticism of the Saxon government during the coronavirus pandemic. There is already disagreement over formalities.
In Saxony, two committees are dealing with the coronavirus pandemic - a parliamentary committee of inquiry and a commission of inquiry. The committee of inquiry is now starting its work.
Being diagnosed with leukemia is a shock. This was also the case for star tenor José Carreras. He fell ill in 1987 - and survived. One thing in particular has helped him over the years.
During the pre-Christmas period and the following holidays, the willingness to donate blood usually declines. However, the preparations are needed regularly. That is why there are special dates.
1.5 million people are infected with HIV every year. There are also new diagnoses in Saxony.
Fewer people are claiming rehabilitation benefits after the pandemic than before. However, German Pension Insurance expects this to change again.
Colds, coughs, fever and aching limbs - respiratory infections are on the rise in Saxony. Coronaviruses continue to dominate the flu season - with consequences.
Colds, coughs, fever and aching limbs - respiratory infections are on the rise in Saxony. Coronaviruses continue to dominate the flu season - with consequences.
The population in Saxony is ageing. This means that the number of people with visual problems is also increasing.
If a pregnant woman drinks alcohol, this can cause lifelong damage to her child. According to the ministry, this affects hundreds of newborns in Saxony every year.
Many older people, the sick and those in need of care are supported by relatives in the same household. New data shows how many people this is and how much time they spend.
However, not every tick bite automatically leads to an infection, say experts. It is important to keep a close eye on the bite site.
Fans have been worried about Daniel Aminati's wife Patrice for months. Fortunately, her cancer treatment is having an effect. She is now free of metastases.
Mental illnesses continue to cause absenteeism among employees in Saxony. The figures are still at a record level - most recently, respiratory infections have been the main culprit.
Due to a severe gastrointestinal infection, two musicians from the band Santiano had to go to hospital and the premiere of the new tour in Schwerin was canceled at short notice.
Saxony is increasingly focusing on measures to meet the demand for doctors and wants to increase the number of study places.
German ski jumper Philipp Raimund has to miss the home World Cup in Klingenthal due to illness. He will not be nominated.