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149 incidents with a right-wing extremist background at schools

A chair stands on the table in a classroom / Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa/Symbolic image
A chair stands on the table in a classroom / Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa/Symbolic image

Swastika graffiti on school buildings, right-wing extremist content in class chats, Hitler salutes - the number of incidents with a right-wing extremist background at schools in Saxony has risen.

The authorities in Saxony recorded a total of 149 incidents with a right-wing extremist background at schools last year. This is according to an answer from the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs to a minor question from state parliament member Kerstin Köditz (Left Party). As the "Leipziger Volkszeitung" (Wednesday) first reported, this is significantly more cases than in previous years. 73 incidents were reported in the pre-corona year 2019. The figures were also lower in 2020 (52), 2021 (91) and 2022 (48).

"The recent increase in the number of cases is worrying, but can be attributed at least in part to increased awareness," explained Köditz on Wednesday.

The incidents concern various types of schools. They include right-wing extremist content in class chats and swastika graffiti on school buildings. During a class excursion to the Buchenwald concentration camp memorial site in May 2023, a pupil gave the Hitler salute at the bell tower while a classmate filmed him and then distributed the video.

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