Following the initial test results of the so-called Dubai chocolate in Baden-Württemberg, the food inspection authorities in Saxony are also planning a closer examination of the sweet. The Saxon Ministry of Social Affairs announced in response to an inquiry that there was cause for corresponding checks. "The Saxon food monitoring authorities have already been informed", it said. However, no samples have yet been received by the state testing institute, which is why no analysis data is currently available.
Investigations in Baden-Württemberg had revealed that palm oil was used instead of cocoa butter in some chocolate bars, which is more cost-effective for manufacturers. In addition, not all ingredients were listed on the packaging in some cases. This could pose a serious risk for people with allergies. In one sample, mold was even found in the pistachio cream, as reported by a politician.
The chocolate is produced by various manufacturers in different countries. So far, only a few bars have been analyzed. In view of the initial results, investigations into the chocolate are now to be intensified.
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