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Leipzig Zoo raises prices

Lion cubs explore the outdoor enclosure at Leipzig Zoo with their mother Kigali / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa
Lion cubs explore the outdoor enclosure at Leipzig Zoo with their mother Kigali / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa

For the first time in four years, Leipzig Zoo is increasing prices by 1 euro per ticket for children and adults and by 4 euros for the family ticket.

For the first time in four years, Leipzig Zoo is raising its prices slightly. This is due to rising costs in all areas, the zoo announced on Wednesday. Accordingly, prices will be increased by 1 euro per ticket for children (14 euros) and adults (22 euros) on March 21, 2024. The family ticket will then cost 57 euros (4 euros more). "We have been able to keep prices stable over the past four years and have kept the adjustments moderate for our guests, but have also responsibly reflected the needs of the company," said Zoo Director Jörg Junhold.

Visitor numbers in 2023 were roughly on a par with 2022, the third-best year ever. Last year, 1.87 million people flocked to the zoo. According to Junhold, the exact result for this year depends on visits over the public holidays, when the zoo is open every day.

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