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Growing interest in wolves

Two wolf pups standing in a field / Photo: Torsten Beuster/-/dpa/Symbolic image
Two wolf pups standing in a field / Photo: Torsten Beuster/-/dpa/Symbolic image

The wolf is attracting growing interest as a subject of study in Saxony. As the State Office for the Environment, Agriculture and Geology announced in Dresden on Friday, almost 5,800 people took part in events on this topic last year organized by the Wolf Environmental Education Centre in Rietschen (Görlitz district). This was around 1000 more people than in the previous year.

The education center is part of Saxony's wolf management. In addition to lectures, seminars and workshops, it offers excursions into wolf territory all year round and runs information stands. The main target group is young people. The offer is to be expanded this year. In the 2022/2023 monitoring year, 44 territories populated by wolves were identified in Saxony. In these territories, 38 packs, four pairs and two single animals were registered.

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