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Up to 900,000 euros in funding for sustainable projects

Companies in the Central German mining region can once again apply for funding for innovative projects. (Archive image) / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa
Companies in the Central German mining region can once again apply for funding for innovative projects. (Archive image) / Photo: Jan Woitas/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

Millions for fresh ideas: Companies in the Central German region can now apply for funding again. The competition supports sustainable and digital projects with up to 900,000 euros.

Companies in the Central German mining district can once again apply for funding for innovative projects with immediate effect. The fifth public ideas competition of the federal model project "Unternehmen Revier" will run until May 6, as announced by the Central German Metropolitan Region. The competition is looking for projects in the fields of bioeconomy, circular economy and digitalization as well as open-topic innovation projects.

High funding rates for sustainable economic development

The funding programme offers start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises the opportunity to actively contribute to the economic transformation of the region, said project manager Rosa Asendorpf. "The targeted promotion of regional potential creates sustainable impetus for forward-looking economic development."

Investment and non-investment projects are funded with up to 300,000 euros for individual projects and up to 900,000 euros for joint projects. The funding rate is 60 percent for companies and up to 90 percent for networks.

Millions in funding for structural change projects

Since the federal model project was launched in 2017, 73 projects have already been supported in the Central German mining region with a total of more than ten million euros. Nine new projects were added last year.

Private companies and networks based or located in the districts of Altenburger Land, Anhalt-Bitterfeld, Burgenlandkreis, Leipzig, Mansfeld-Südharz, Nordsachsen and Saalekreis as well as in the cities of Halle (Saale) and Leipzig are eligible to apply. Prior consultation is mandatory for all applicants. The funded projects are set to begin in early 2026.

Support from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy

The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) is funding the program to support the economic reorientation of the German lignite regions.

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