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Günther warns against easing up on climate protection after the election

Environment Minister Wolfram Günther in front of a solar park in Zeithain / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa
Environment Minister Wolfram Günther in front of a solar park in Zeithain / Photo: Robert Michael/dpa

Droughts, floods, extreme weather - climate change has long been noticeable in Saxony too. The environment minister warns against easing up on climate protection measures.

The Greens' lead candidate, Wolfram Günther, warns against slowing down climate protection and the pace of the energy transition after the state elections. "There must be no backward roll," said Saxony's incumbent environment minister according to a press release two weeks before the ballot on September 1 in Dresden.

Saxony is an energy and industrial state and a pioneer in electromobility and is already benefiting enormously economically from the expansion of renewable energies, the circular economy and the transition from a lignite region to a renewables region. A reversal would cause "massive economic damage" to the state.

"Saxony needs a climate protection law," demanded Günther. This would make climate protection legally enforceable and allow CO2 budgets and savings targets to be set more concretely than before. The 2021 energy and climate program is the first to set out the path to climate neutrality. "But that's not enough." Climate change is a dynamic process that needs to be responded to.

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